
The Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ACPM) has a history of over 40 years. The Asian Chapter of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM-AC), the predecessor of the ACPM, was started with the selection of an organizing committee by representatives from Asia who participated in the 4th World Congress of the ICPM held in Tokyo in 19771). In 1982, the organizing committee met in Tokyo, where officers were elected and a special lecture was given by Prof. Yujiro Ikemi. It was decided that the ICPM-AC congresses would be held every two years, starting in 1984.

The 1st Congress of the ICPM-AC was held in Tokyo, hosted by President Ikemi. The 2nd to 9th congresses were held in New Delhi (India), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Sendai (Japan), Taipei (Taiwan), Fukuoka (Japan), Dalian (China), Seoul (South Korea), and again in Tokyo (Japan) 2). The name was changed to ACPM for the 10th congress. The 10th to 18th ACPM congresses were held in Taipei (Taiwan), Okinawa (Japan), Melbourne (Australia), Seoul (South Korea), Beijing (China), Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), Jakarta (Indonesia), Fukuoka (Japan), and Seoul (South Korea).

Over the 40 years since the establishment of ACPM, the membership has expanded to include most Asian-Oceanic countries. The future of ACPM is bright, with our members in the forefront of research into exciting new fields such as psychosomatic correlative mechanisms (mind/body relationship) and creative psychosomatic medicine therapies that include the best of both modern medicine and traditional medicine as practiced in Asia. The prevention and treatment of psychosomatic disorders is of growing importance in the Asian-Oceanic area, from both the psychosomatic and cultural viewpoints, and the ACPM is dedicated to serving these needs by providing a forum to provide the best psychosomatic treatment possible and by conducting cutting-edge research.

The Asian Chapter of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine [ICPM-AC]

The 1th May19-20,1984 Tokyo(Japan) President : Yujiro Ikemi
The 2th Nov.12-15,1986 New Delhi(India) President : Amarendra Narayan Singh
The 3th Nov.25-27,1988 Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia)President : Mahalingam Mahadevan
The 4th Apr. 20-21,1990 Sendai (Japan)President : Jinichi Suzuki
The 5th Sep.4-6,1992 Taipei(Taiwan)President : Hsien Rin
The 6th (Cancellation)
Symposium Jun.5-6,1994 Fukuoka(Japan)President : Chiharu Kubo
The 7th Sep.5-7,1996 Dalian(China)President : Liu Zengyuan
The 8th Oct.30,1998 Seoul(Korea) President : Byung Il Min
The 9th Sep.29-30,2000 Tokyo(Japan)President : Sueharu Tsutsui

The Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine [ACPM]

The 10th Sep.28-29,2002 Taipei(Taiwan) President : Lee Ming Bin
The 11th Oct.23-24,2004 Okinawa(Japan)President : Hiroshi Ishizu
The 12th Nov.24-25 Melbourne(Australia) President : Lorraine Dennerstein
The 13th Aug.31- Sep.2,2008 Seoul(Korea) President : Bong Yul Huh ,Kyung Bong Koh
The 14th Sep.10-12,2010 Beijing(China)President : Zhao Zhifu
The 15th Aug.24-26,2012 Ulaanbaatar(Mongolia) President : Tserekhuugyin Lkhagvasuren
The 16th Aug.22-23,2014 Jakarta(Indonesia) President : Endjad Mudjaddid
The 17th Aug.20-21,2016 Fukuoka(Japan) President : Sudo Nobuyuki
The 18th Aug.24-26(2018) Seoul(Korea) President : Byung Sung Kim


  1.  Hiroshi Ishizu.(2012)“The History,present state,and future prospects of the Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ACPM)” BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 6:1-6 
  2. Hiroshi Ishizu. (2011) “Present State, History and Perspective to the Future of the Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine (ACPM)” Japanese journal of psychosomatic medicine, 51(7): 600-607
  3. Hiroyuki Suematsu (ed.). (2011) The 50-year history of Japan Society of Psychosomatic Medicine, Tokyo, Published by Japan Society of Psychosomatic Medicine, p320.